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2020-20ONE 亚色影库 Restart and Recovery Summary


  • Please note that as information from the New Jersey Department of Education is subject to change, 亚色影库 Public Schools may modify this plan accordingly.

    As mandated by the New Jersey Department of Education “reopening plans must account for resuming in-person instruction in some capacity.”

    “The health and safety of students and staff must remain the number one priority and guide all decisions at the local level.”

NJ DOE Guidance

    • The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) in “The Road Back: Restart and Recovery Plan for Education”  
    • NJDOE Guidance Released 
    • Conditions for Learning
    • Leadership and Planning
    • Policy and Funding
    • Continuity of Learning
      • “Should” - 203 times
      • “May”- 156 times
      • “Must” - 105
      • “Required” - 35
      • “Mandated” - 4

Committee Process

    • Committee Chronology
    • 4 Pillar Committees  
      • Pillar 1 - Health, Safety, Cleanliness, Building Level Planning
      • Pillar 2 - Instruction, Format, Curriculum
      • Pillar 3 - Operations and Governance
      • Pillar 4 - Finance
    • One-亚色影库 Guiding Principle

One-亚色影库 Guiding Principle

  • Ensuring the health and safety of students and staff in an inclusive manner has been at the forefront of every aspect of this plan. All decisions and choices have been made with this guiding principle.

General Health and Safety Guidelines

    • The district will maintain communication with local and state health authorities.
    • Accommodations will be made for staff and students who are at higher risk of COVID-19. 
    • Staff, students, and parents will receive training on: 
      • Handwashing techniques
      • Proper hygiene
      • Use of face coverings 
      • Monitoring for symptoms

Screening, PPE, and Response to Staff and Students Presenting Symptoms

  • Screening

    • Protocols for daily entrance, hand disinfecting, and use of face coverings will be posted in main entrance areas.
    • Symptom screening must be completed upon entry.  Staff, students, and parents will complete a digital screening checklist prior to leaving their homes indicating the absence of symptoms.
    • A history of exposure screening assessment must also be completed indicating whether or not the child has been in contact with anyone that tested positive for COVID-19 or has traveled out of state in the last 2 weeks.
    • Students in grades PreK-12 must wear masks while in the school and anywhere that social distancing/6 feet distance cannot be guaranteed, i.e. outside on school property, entrance to the building, hallways, and shared areas.


    • Students and staff will wear face coverings upon arrival.
    • Plastic shields will be secured on desks and tables, as well as plastic barriers in offices. 
    • All classrooms and common areas will be equipped with spray bottles containing approved cleaning solutions, hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol or higher, paper towels, tissues, and non-touch garbage cans. 
    • All staff will be provided with face shields.
    • All nurses and staff in quarantine area provided PPE including disposable gowns, appropriate masks, face shields and gloves.

Contact Tracing

    1. The policy includes the criteria an individual must meet in order to activate the board’s contact tracing policy.
    2. The policy clearly describes the district’s responsibilities regarding notification of the 亚色影库 Health Department department, staff, families, and the public.
    3. 亚色影库 Public Schools will assist 亚色影库 Health Department to conduct contact tracing activities, including ongoing communication with the identified individual and/or their contacts.
    4. The district will ensure adequate information and training to school and district staff as necessary to enable staff to carry out responsibilities assigned to them under the policy.

Student Flow, Entry, Exit, and Common Areas

    • Social Distancing at Entrances, Exits, and Common Areas 
      • Social Distancing Guidelines
      • Use of Signage
    • Building Level Procedures
      • Implement entry/exit traffic, and hallway flow procedures to limit student, staff, and visitor exposure.
        • Traffic
        • Student Flow
        • Large Group Gatherings
        • After School/Extracurricular Activities
    • Visitors Policy
      • 亚色影库 Public Schools shall adopt a Visitors Policy in response to COVID-19 (P 1648). 
      • Health and Safety/Security
        • Establish new item drop off  procedures
        • Visitors by appointment only, adhering to building screening, mask, and sign-in procedures.

Facilities and Cleaning Practices

    • General Facilities Related Items
      • Hand sanitizer stations 
      • Bathrooms
      • Water Fountains
      • Social Distancing/Hygiene
      • Ventilation
      • Cleaning Practices

    • Schedule for Cleaning Practices 
      • Utilize EPA approved disinfecting agents
      • Made available to all students and staff
      • One-亚色影库 Custodial Staff
        • Clean and disinfect high-touch areas throughout the day
        • Nightly deep-cleaning
        • Nightly disinfecting
        • Weekly maintenance days
    • Treatment
    • Areas requiring cleaning/disinfecting which are deemed to have been occupied and/or touched by individuals identified as COVID-19 positive will be done so in accordance with NJDOE and Department  of Health protocols
      • May include closing impacted areas for up to 24 hours.


    • “Breakfast After the Bell” will be available for students
    • Any meals or snacks eaten in school will take place in the classroom, behind desk shields.
    • “Grab and go” meals distributed at dismissal will be encouraged.
    • The cafeteria/group dining areas will not be utilized for meals.
    • Students who are distance learning will have an opportunity to pick up and receive meals on designated days at specified sites.


    • The 亚色影库 Public Schools District will continue to provide transportation to and from school for students eligible to take the bus as per NJ Department of Education guidelines.
      • Personal Protective Equipment will be required for all students, bus drivers, and aides
        • Special Accommodations 
    • Air Ventilation- Bus windows will remain open, weather permitting, to ensure plenty of air circulation throughout the bus. 
    • Busses will be cleaned between each route 
    • Busses will be disinfected each night
    • One 亚色影库 Support for social distancing at the bus stops
    • Loading/Exiting Procedures- Busses will be loaded from back to front and discharged from front to back
      • Assigned seating for families

    • Transportation for Athletics
    • School buses used for athletics, or otherwise contracted, will be cleaned and disinfected prior to each trip after each pre-trip inspection has been performed.

Academic, Social, and Behavioral Supports

    • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and School Culture and Climate
    • Student Well-Being and Social-Emotional Learning
    • Educator Well-Being and Social-Emotional Learning
    • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
      • Intervention and Referral Services
      • Positive Behavioral Supports in Schools
        • Universal  Tier Interventions
        • Secondary Tier  Interventions 
        • Tertiary Tier Interventions
    • Code of Conduct


    • Under Executive Order 149, high school sports under the jurisdiction of the NJSIAA may resume only in accordance with reopening protocols issued by NJSIAA
    • Student-athletes who presently have COVID-19, or who have tested positive for COVID-19, shall provide clearance from a physician before he/she will be permitted to participate in workouts.
    • The COVID-19 Participation Questionnaire must be completed seven (7) days prior to the start of the first workout session. This form only needs to be completed one time. Any athlete that does not have a COVID-19 Questionnaire on file will not be permitted to participate in any workouts
    • If you have any questions regarding COVID-19 as it relates to athletics, please contact the Head Coach of the Sport and/or our Athletic Director Tom Mullahey (973)470-2282

Instructional Options

Preliminary Survey Results

  • Survey Count


    Return to School By Grade



Educational Program

    • In-Person, hybrid and fully remote options
    • Similar offering across formats
    • Prioritize younger and at-risk learners for in-person instruction
    • Advanced courses available across formats based on enrollment, with streaming options being explored
    • Social Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Instruction
    • 180-day school year requirement
    • Address all New Jersey Student Learning Standards in all content areas and provide required courses 
    • Ensures student access to supports and accommodations 
    • Special Education/ESL Bilingual/ 504 / At-Risk / Gifted and Talented
    • Assess student progress
    • Access to technology and address the digital divide 1 to 1 from K to 12


  • PreSchool Format

    • The preschool program plan consists of a return to in-person learning 4 days per week, with 1 virtual instruction day. 
    • Preschool class size is capped at a maximum of 15 students per class allowing for social distancing.
    • Students will attend school in-person on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. 
    • Wednesday will be a virtual day.
    • School will be in session from 9:10 to 1:10 for both the in-person days and virtual day.


    Schedule for Students - PreSchool

    PreSchool Schedule

Elementary School

  • Elementary School Format

    • The elementary school program plan consists of a return to in-person learning 4 days per week, with 1 virtual instruction day. 
    • Students will attend school in-person on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  
    • Wednesday will be a virtual day. 
    • School will be in session from 9:00 to 1:10 for both the in-person day and virtual day. 
    • Asynchronous lessons, assignments, and online programs will be assigned from 2:00 to 2:30 throughout the week across content areas.

    Elementary School Schedule

    Elementary School Sample Schedule

Middle School School

  • Middle School Format

    • A hybrid A/B option is being implemented in grades 6 to 8. 
    • Rotating schedule of alternating days where classes take place during periods 1 to 5 on the in-person day and periods 6 to 10 during the online day. 
    • Each grade level 6 to 8 will be divided into two “cohorts” (A or B) alphabetically. 
    • Special attention will be given to grade-level splits by family so the entire family will be associated with one “cohort” (A or B). 
    • When one “cohort” is present in school, the other “cohort” will participate in online instruction including Physical Education and Cycle Classes. 
    • Wednesday will be a virtual day for everyone.
    • Both the A and B groups will meet together each period with their assigned teachers on the virtual day.
    • School will be in session from 8:00 to 12:25 for in-person days, online days, and the virtual day. 
    • Asynchronous and independent activities will be assigned from 1:00 to 2:00 throughout the week.

    Middle School Schedule

    Middle School Schedule

High School

  • High School Format

    • A hybrid A/B option is being implemented in grades 9 to 12.
    • Rotating schedule has been set of alternating days in which classes take place during periods 1 to 6 on the in-person day and periods 7 to 12 during the online day. 
    • Each course in grades 9 to 12 will be divided into two “cohorts” (A or B) alphabetically. 
    • Special attention will be given to grade-level splits by family so the entire family will be associated with one “cohort” (A or B).
    • When one “cohort” is present in school, the other “cohort” will participate in online instruction including Physical Education, and Labs. 
    • Wednesday will be a virtual day for everyone. 
    • Both the A and B groups will meet together each period with their assigned teachers on the virtual day. 
    • School will be in session from 7:29 to 11:48 for in-person days, online days, and the virtual day. 
    • Asynchronous and independent activities will be assigned from 12:30 to 2:00 throughout the week.

    High School Schedule

    high school hybrid


    • Provided by Boys and Girls Club and other 4c providers
    • Limited slots available across the district 
    • Minds in Motion Program at 4, 12 and 17
    • Available from dismissal until 6:00
    • Students remain in cohorts of 10 students
    • Social distancing between groups
    • Mask and health and safety protocols in place

Online and Remote Learning

    • A fully remote option parallels the district in-person plan. 
    • Offers the same instruction and pacing as the in-person option. Schedules are similar. 
    • Students will follow a period schedule logged in with classroom teachers 5 days per week. 
    • Asynchronous lessons, assignments, and online programs will be assigned throughout the week across content areas. 

    Fully Remote Options for Students in PreSchool

    PreKRemote Option

    Fully Remote Options for Students in Elementary School

    Elementary Remote Option

    Fully Remote Options for Students in Middle School 

    Middle School Remote

    Fully Remote Options for Students in High School 

    high school remote option

Next Steps

    • This presentation and plan will be posted following the BOE Meeting. Please review the content so you can make an informed decision.
    • A will be emailed and posted to the website. Please respond by Monday, August 17, 2020.
    • We will continue to keep you apprised of changing guidance from the State of NJ.
    • All reopening options within this plan are subject to guidance from the NJ Department of Health and the NJ Department of Education.