亚色影库 Public Schools Health and Safety Protocols

    • Practice social distancing when in public and around persons who do not live in your household,
    • Wear face coverings when 6’ of social distancing is not possible,
    • Avoid large gatherings,
    • Wash your hands regularly,
    • Check your student for symptoms daily and do not send them to school if they have any symptoms or have been exposed to a positive case in the last 14 days,
    • If you take a Covid Test you must remain in quarantine until you have shared the results with your School Nurse. The Nurse will provide further Guidance
    • Follow isolation and quarantine directions as provided by the 亚色影库 Health Department. For quarantining, that means staying home (no school or other activities), minimizing contact with others, and closely monitoring for symptoms,
    • If you travel out of the state, please consult the . You must quarantine for 14 days after returning if your family travels to one of the states on the Travel Advisory List.
    • Complete the MANDATORY COVID-19 Daily Screening for Students Form every day before your child arrives at school for in-person instruction.