Frequently Asked Questions: 亚色影库 2020-20ONE 亚色影库 Restart and Recovery

  • When will 亚色影库 students return to school in person?

  • How will my child know what to do on Tuesday, September 8, 2020?

  • Do I need to choose In-Person or Fully Remote if the district is opening remotely?

  • When will I get my child鈥檚 schedule or class assignment?

  • What has changed between our last meeting and now regarding considering starting off fully remote?

  • Will our choice of fully remote or in-person lock us in for the first marking period even if we start off remote as a district?

  • Can children who do not need a device opt out of taking a chromebook and be allowed to use their own personal device to save the district money?

  • What supplies do I need to buy for my child?

  • Will students be eating at school? Where will they eat, and what will the procedure be? Will there be snack time as we typically have on early dismissal days?

  • What are we doing to ensure that our seniors have all the courses and electives required to graduate?

  • My child is enrolled in AP/Honors courses at CHS. Will these be available remotely?

  • Will you have to pay full time for the Boys and Girls Club?

  • I am an essential worker and I cannot be with my child at home to help them. Why can鈥檛 the on-line learning be asynchronous like last year or recorded so that I can help my child when I get home from work?

  • Will there be additional work after the virtual classes are over?

  • My child is in an Accelerated Course in Middle School. Will there be an accelerated option for remote learning?

  • Will my child get speech and extra help if we choose the remote option? How will that be handled?

  • My child was previously in TAG or Art TAG at Elementary School. Will TAG still be offered?

  • Will remote classes and virtual instruction be graded?

  • What will the virtual class sizes be?

  • When teachers are teaching the classes remotely will they be teaching from their classroom or from home?

  • How will remote instruction be different than it was in the spring?

  • If I choose remote and want to return to in-person classes, is it possible to switch back? How and when can I switch?

  • If I choose in-person and want to switch back, is it possible to switch back? How and when can I switch?

  • Is the curriculum the same for students who are in-person and remote?

  • Will you take into account the needs of working families who rely on in-person learning and before and aftercare?

  • School sports are continuing to be played, however, our children can鈥檛 attend in person school. Why can sports continue when our children cannot attend school in person?

  • Why are other districts coming back to school in person and 亚色影库 is beginning the year remotely? Can I send my child to one of those districts?

  • If my child is in a Resource Room, will they still receive service, or will they only receive inclusion services?

  • Will my child attend Pull Out Resource Center classes while in school? What will occur on remote/virtual days?

  • How will related services be provided?

  • How will my child work with the paraprofessional assigned to them in their IEP?

  • Given the situation with COVID, I no longer want my child pulled out for any special education services. Can you change the IEP to meet my request? Can you write in the new IEP that the program will revert to what it originally said when the pandemic is over?

  • What if my child can not tolerate a mask?

  • If my child is in a self-contained class, how many days a week will they attend school face to face?

  • My child is in a referral for special education. How will they be assessed?

  • Is class size still in accordance with the required numbers of students?

  • If I choose the all remote option, how will my child receive services?

  • How will the small group instruction classrooms be outfitted for social distancing?

  • Will my child be pulled out for bilingual instruction? How large will the pullout group be?

  • Where can I find NJ Department of Education Resources?